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Want To Say Goodbye To Passwords and OTP Codes?

Discover Push Authentication!

It is easy for your password to be compromised through phishing attacks, even if it meets the cybersecurity strong password standards and is difficult to predict So we must get to know the technique of Push based Authentication.

Some may recommend that you use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to increase your security.


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

MFA is the process of logging into your account through multiple steps.

It requires you to enter more information, not just your password.

But there is another obstacle that arises when using such technology.

When logging in to any application or website, you must fill in a One-Time-Passcode (OTP) code sent to your mobile phone or email.

True, this will increase the level of security, but at the same time, it will make the process much longer.

It consumes more time!

You must enter the OTP code correctly, and if you make a mistake, the website will re-send the OTP code again, and then you must enter it a second time.

You could have a problem with the email or SMS, so you will not be able to see the OTP code in the first place.

Is there another solution that combines ease of use while increasing security?

Come with us to learn about Push based Authentication technology.

What is it?

How does it work?

What are its special features?

Is it safer?


Learn About Push based Authentication.

Push based Authentication is one of the types of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

It works by sending a notification to the user’s previously registered mobile phone, where the user can then click on the notification to agree or reject the login (Yes / No).


mPass push authentication sample

And it adds an extra layer of security by verifying that the user owns the mobile phone to which the notification was sent. Without access to the mobile device, an attacker cannot log in and hack into the account.

Push based Authentication is user-friendly, unlike other types of multi factor authentication solutions.

It only requires the user to approve or reject the request submitted to him/her without the need to a password or enter a security code, such as a One-Time Password (OTP).

Is The Security Level Sufficient?

Some may expect that Push Authentication is not completely secure, and this belief is due to its ease of use, which some people think might reduce the level of security.

But on the contrary, Push Authentication offers us a more secure method than other traditional methods related to MFA.

Push Authentication uses a fully encrypted communication method between the application and the user’s device, providing protection against Man in The Middle Attacks.

Push Authentication is also based on the Out of Band Authentication method, which means that the user’s mobile must be connected to the Internet to receive the notification, which helps to prevent unauthorized access attempts when the user is not connected to the Internet.


Are You Ready To Join The Push Era?

If you are looking to protect your employees and organization from Phishing and password-related attacks, our mPass product, specifically designed with Multi-Factor Authentication technology, offers full support and compliance with international standards for open authentication (OATH).


mPass dashboard


mPass integrates with most applications and systems and supports combining different methods for providing additional factors and passwords.

Special settings can also be set in many ways, such as SMS, soft tokens and Push based authentication features.

mPass has many uses, as it works to secure access to the company’s virtual network (VPN) for employees who work remotely, and it also works to secure the services companies provide through websites, among many other features.

Learn more about mPass from Cerebra

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