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The Difference Between Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are harmful attacks used by criminals to steal personal and financial information from individuals and businesses.

Attacks on individuals and businesses are becoming more common as we use the internet and technology more often in our daily lives.

Phishing attacks involve the use of dishonesty and fraudulent methods to fool consumers into believing they are interacting with the trustworthiness of an unsuspecting destination, such as banks, email companies, or social media platforms.

But what is the difference between phishing attacks?

How can individuals and organizations protect themselves from such attacks?

That is what this article will cover.


What Are The Most Popular Types of Phishing Attacks?


Perhaps the most famous types of phishing scams are:

Phishing via SMS messages (smishing)

Phishing via e-mail (Phishing)

Phishing over Voice communication (Vishing)


the difference between Phishing attacks


These attacks are similar in the usage of fraudulent methods to trick users into providing attackers with personal and financial information.

There are, however, some significant variations between these attacks.


Text message Phishing (Smishing):

Short text messages (SMS) are used in these attacks to trick users into clicking on a suspicious link or sharing personal and financial information.

For example, attackers could send a text message claiming to be from the bank, asking the user to update the bank account information through a link, and then redirecting the user to a false website to collect sensitive information.

Phishing via e-mail (Phishing):

Fake emails are used in these attacks to trick users into thinking they are interacting with a trustworthy organization, such as a bank or an email provider.

A strange link is often found in e-mails, directing users to a fully fake Phishing e-mail Web page that collects users’ personal and financial information.

Phishing over Voice communication (Vishing):

Voice telephony is used in these attacks to trick users into thinking they are interacting with a trustworthy organization, such as a bank or a financial services company.

To get users to share personal and financial information, such as a bank account PIN, National Identification number, or OTP number, voice manipulation and fake information methods are used.


What Are The Main Dangers of Phishing Attacks?



Phishing attacks may cause a variety of challenges, including:


Theft of personal information:

Attackers can use Phishing attacks to obtain users’ personal information, such as names, addresses, national identification numbers, bank account details, credit card details, and these information can be used for forgery and other fraud.

Financial fraud:

Attackers can use phishing attacks to steal money or transfer it to other accounts using the personal information obtained or by persuading users to provide their financial information.

Reputation damage:

Phishing attacks can damage the reputation of targeted organizations and companies due to the use of their name and logo in fake attacks.

Electronic penetration:

Phishing attacks can lead to electronic penetration of devices and networks, due to which users open suspicious links or upload malicious files.

Waste of time and resources:

Dealing with phishing attacks can lead to a loss of time and resources as organizations and individuals must conduct verification and investigation and take the necessary security measures, which can affect productivity and efficiency.

Psychological damage:

Exposure to phishing attacks can cause psychological damage to individuals and organizations, especially if there are significant financial or information losses.

Legal violations:

The use of phishing attacks can lead to legal violations due to electronic hacks and the use of stolen information in fraud, forgery, and theft.



Ways to Protect Against Phishing Attacks.


There are many strategies for protecting against phishing attempts, including:


Verifying the identity of the issuer:

The identity of the issuer must always be verified before providing any personal or financial information , the alleged party can be contacted directly to verify the correctness of the information provided.

Do not click on suspicious links:

You should avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails and text messages and not upload unknown files.

Update protection software:

Anti-virus and malware software should be installed and updated regularly to ensure better protection of devices and data.

Use strong passwords:

You should use strong and unique passwords for each account and avoid using easy to predict passwords such as date of birth or consecutive numbers.

Training and digital awareness:

Employees and users should be made aware of the methods of phishing attacks, trained on how to deal with them, verify the identity of the source, and avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Using security applications:

Security applications such as two-factor authentication applications and password management applications can be used to increase security and protect against phishing attacks.

Hardware and software updates:

Hardware and software should be updated regularly to correct security vulnerabilities and enhance protection.

Caution about personal information on social networking sites:

Caution should be exercised when it comes to personal information posted on social networking sites, as it can be used by attackers in phishing attacks.

Stay away from public networks:

You should avoid using open and anonymous public networks, as attackers can gain access to sensitive data sent and received.

Report suspicious activity:

Any suspicious activity should be reported to the relevant authorities, such as banks, email companies, or government agencies, to take the necessary measures to protect users.





In short, phishing attacks pose a serious threat to individuals and organizations, and you need to take measures and precautions to protect against them.

Among these measures is the multi-factor authentication system, which provides better and more secure protection for systems and employees from these attacks.

Cerebra developed mPass, a multi-factor authentication system that provides high level protection for users while maintaining ease of use.

If you want to protect yourself or your organization from phishing attacks, you can consider using mPass from Cerebra as a reliable and effective security solution.

It is an important step to protect yourself, your money, and your personal information from the risk of fraud and phishing.

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