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Create a strong password easily!

Today it’s very important to everyone who have an account either on social media or any other websites or services to Create a strong password, because you have to treat your password as your best stuff’s and protect it from others.

Learn now the easiest and best tips you have to follow to make a strong password..

What is Password?

A password is a string of characters that provides access to a digital system or service. It is a crucial security measure that helps to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Passwords can be as simple as a word or a phrase, or as complex as a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

The importance of passwords cannot be overstated. Without a strong password, hackers and cybercriminals can easily gain access to your personal and confidential information. This can lead to identity theftfinancial loss, and even reputational damage.

To ensure the safety of your online accounts, it’s important to create strong passwords that are difficult to guess or crack. This means avoiding common words or phrases, using a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoiding the use of personal information such as your name, birthdate, or address.

In addition, it’s important to use unique passwords for each of your accounts. This way, if one password is compromised, your other accounts will still be secure.

6 Tips to create a strong password

To have more security on your information, protecting it from any cyber-attacks, we recommend that the password be changed frequently and contain one or more of these tips.
  1. Use upper and lower case letters and numbers and unique character, for example: P@$sw0rd
  2. Avoid using your personal information, such as the first letters of your name or date of birth on your password, for example Me1990.
  3. Do not use sequential letters and numbers on your password, for example: Abcd1234.
  4. Try to make your password more than ten letters.
  5. Use different passwords on several websites and applications.
  6. Use multi-factor authentication 2FA/MFA for example mPass by Cerebra. 
Always remember to change your password frequently.
click here to learn more about mPass.

create a strong password

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