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Shielding Your Future, Continuous Compliance. streamlines compliance processes, enhances decision-making, and safeguards your business's integrity with intuitive monitoring and regulatory adherence.

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compliance management processes.  


visibility and control over regulatory compliance. 


efficient compliance monitoring and management. 


informed decision-making.  


a culture of compliance and accountability. 


monitor activities. 

Features and Benefits

Compliance Frameworks: Compliance Frameworks:

Customize and manage compliance frameworks tailored to your organization’s needs, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards.

Policy Management: Policy Management:

Centralize the creation, review and approval of organizational policies. 

Procedure Management: Procedure Management:

Centralize the creation, review, approval, and distribution of organizational procedures. 

Task Management: Task Management:

Streamline task assignment, tracking, and monitoring to facilitate efficient management of compliance-related activities. 

Compliance Library: Compliance Library:

Access a library of pre-configured compliance frameworks and templates, simplifying the implementation and adoption of compliance standards.

User Management: User Management:

Manage user accounts, permissions, and roles seamlessly, ensuring appropriate access and segregation of duties.

Branding Customization: Branding Customization:

Customize the platform’s branding, including logos, colors, and themes, to align with your organization’s identity and branding guidelines. 

Flexible Deployment: Flexible Deployment:

Choose between Private Cloud (Inside KSA or UAE) or On-premise deployment options to suit your organization’s specific needs and requirements. 

User-Friendly Interface: User-Friendly Interface:

Offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that promotes ease of use, navigation, and accessibility for all users. 

Reporting and Analytics: Reporting and Analytics:

Include robust reporting and analytics capabilities to generate insights, identify trends, and assess GRC performance across various metrics. 

Examples of Usage

Leverage BeShield to streamline compliance efforts

Leverage BeShield to streamline compliance efforts by centralizing policy management.

BeShield automates compliance tasks, ensuring efficiency and visibility.

BeShield automates compliance tasks, ensuring efficiency and visibility.

Gain confidence in compliance posture with BeShield’s robust audit trails and centralized management.

Gain confidence in compliance posture with BeShield's robust audit trails and centralized management.

Compliance Achieved


Feature Private Cloud On-Premise
Dedicated isolated instance cloud server
Rapid and seamless deployment process
Installed and deployed directly at the clients premises
Professional Services required for deployment and setup
Cost-effective solution with reduced overheads
Infrastructure management handled by BeShield.
Operates independently of internet access
Infrastructure requirements outlined for implementation

BeShield Clients